Dear Families,
This week’s newsletter is focused on your child’s Autumn Term Learning Pack. The pack was sent home in your child’s home-school communication book on Wednesday, 18th September 2024.
This pack contains your child’s:
- Class Timetable
- Class Information Sheet showing your child’s teaching team, classmates, and NHS therapists
- Curriculum Map listing the Curriculum Pathway and Autumn Term overview for each subject
- Autumn Term targets on the Personal Learning Intention Map
‘Meet the Teacher’ Coffee Mornings:
This is an opportunity to meet the class teacher and parents/carers from your child’s class. There will also be Evidence for Learning training and technical support at this session. This is the schedule:
Mon 23rd Sep |
Wed 25th Sep |
Thur 26th Sep |
Wed 2nd Oct |
Thur 3rd Oct |
10:00 - 10:45 |
Sunflower Tulip Dandelion |
Elton John Maya Angelou Montell Douglas |
Lotus Benjamin Zephaniah Marcus Rashford |
Katherine Grainger Michael Rosen Chris Packham |
Bluebell Elderflower Marigold |
10:50 - 11:35 |
Lilac Iris Poppy |
Clover Dahlia Jill Scott |
Nelson Mandela Martin Luther King Rosa Parks |
Mercury Malala Yousafzai Michelle Obama |
Neptune Saturn Jupiter |
Date |
Focus of Parent/Carer Coffee Morning |
1st October 10:00-11:30am |
Communication at Home: Presentation & discussion with NHS Speech and Language therapists on communication in the home. |
Evidence for Learning Support Tech support and training is also available for the Evidence for Learning system and app. |
8th October 10:00-11:30am |
Planning Family Workshops: Planning the workshops and themes you would like throughout the year. |
15th October 10:00-11:30am |
Makaton Basics: NHS Speech and Language therapist will teach basic Makaton signs to use in the home. |
Family Learning Week:
Tuesday 22nd October – Thursday, 24th October 2024. The date/time for your child’s class will be in their home-school communication book.
Term Dates:
The school term dates are located on the school website: https://swisscottage.camden.sch.uk/parents/termdates
21st October 2024: Training day for staff – no school for pupils
25th October 2024: Last day of the half term
28th October – 1st November 2024: Half term break – no school for pupils
4th November 2024: Pupils return to school
20th December 2024: Last day of Autumn Term
School Contact Information:
Home-School Communication Book: daily
Phone: 02076818080 Voicemail available
FIT@swisscottage.camden.sch.uk for the Family Inclusion Team