2023-24 Department for Education PE Sports Premium
The school received Department for Education PE and Sports Grant Funding in the amount of £17,160 for the 2023-2024 academic year. Physical Development and Physical Education are fundamental parts of our curriculum offer.
We have utilised the funding to contribute to four specific areas:
- Extending sporting opportunities through festivals and competition including the London Youth games
- Specialist coaching related to our complexity of need
- Staff development and training
The use of the funding in line with DfE Guidelines, and impact of this funding, is monitored through the Pupil Progress and Provision Governing Body Committee.
Pupils Year 1 – 6 | 116 | £16,000 | £10 | £17,160 |
Swimming Proficiency
Evidence of Impact in End of Year data analysis. This is moderated data which will be externally evaluated by Camden Local Authority Standards Meeting and Governor Provision and Wellbeing Committee.
Swiss Cottage School, DRC is a special needs school for pupils with complex needs. The 29 pupils in Year 6 are identified with SEN across all four categories of need. The national requirements defined by the DfE are not adapted to the context of this school. Swimming is on the timetable for all year 6 pupils, and we recognise the progress and developments each pupil in year 6 has made towards strengthened confidence within a swimming pool.
Total Number of Pupils in Year 6: | 29 |
% of pupils who can swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres: | 0% |
% of pupils who use a range of strokes effectively: | 0% |
% of pupils who perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations: | 0% |
2022-23 Department for Education PE Sports Premium
The school received Department for Education PE and Sports Grant Funding in the amount of £17,250 for the 2022-2023 academic year. Physical Development and Physical Education are fundamental parts of our curriculum offer.
We have utilised the funding to contribute to four specific areas:
- Extending sporting opportunities through festivals and competition including the London Youth games
- Specialist coaching related to our complexity of need
- Staff development and training
The use of the funding in line with DfE Guidelines, and impact of this funding, is monitored through the Pupil Progress and Provision Governing Body Committee.
Pupils Year 1 – 6 | 125 | £16,000 | £10 | £17,250 |
Swimming Proficiency
Evidence of Impact in End of Year data analysis. This is moderated data which will be externally evaluated by Camden Local Authority Standards Meeting and Governor Provision and Wellbeing Committee.
Swiss Cottage School, DRC is a special needs school for pupils with complex needs. The 19 pupils in Year 6 are identified with SEN across all four categories of need. The national requirements defined by the DfE are not adapted to the context of this school. Swimming is on the timetable for all year 6 pupils, and we recognise the progress and developments each pupil in year 6 has made towards strengthened confidence within a swimming pool.
Total Number of Pupils in Year 6: | 19 |
% of pupils who can swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres: | 0% |
% of pupils who use a range of strokes effectively: | 0% |
% of pupils who perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations: | 0% |
Impact Evaluation
Pupils have complex needs and the PE premium has a vital impact on the health and wellbeing, in particular due to the impacts of the pandemic. Pupils at Swiss Cottage School develop healthier lifestyles through the timetabled swimming, sports, and healthy lifestyles activities. Pupils have demonstrated a greater generalisation of lifestyle considerations through the lunchtime clubs that the school has built into the timetable as well. Pupils are also accessing increased opportunities for sports participation.
We have built the provision into the school timetable and through staffing allocations. The core principles are embedded into the 5 curriculum pathways, with an emphasis on the vital role of healthy lifestyles for pupils with complex needs. 100% of pupils have an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) and the goals are aligned to termly targets that include a focus on developing health and wellbeing of the individual pupils. The PE grant supports us to sustain this provision in the future financially.
The impact evaluation report was confirmed through Governor's Provision and Wellbeing Committee and Local Authority Standards Assessment. The interim evaluation was assessed through Section 8 Ofsted Inspection March 2023.
2021-22 Department for Education PE Sports Premium
The school received Department for Education PE and Sports Grant Funding in the amount of £17,220 for the 2021-2022 academic year. Physical Development and Physical Education are fundamental parts of our curriculum offer.
We have utilised the funding to contribute to four specific areas:
- Extending sporting opportunities through festivals and competition including the London Youth games
- Specialist coaching related to our complexity of need
- Staff development and training
The use of the funding in line with DfE Guidelines, and impact of this funding, is monitored through the Pupil Progress and Provision Governing Body Committee.
Pupils Year 1 – 6 | 122 | £16,000 | £10 | £17,220 |
Swimming Proficiency
Evidence of Impact in End of Year data analysis. This is moderated data which will be externally evaluated by Camden Local Authority Standards Meeting and Governor Provision and Wellbeing Committee.
Swiss Cottage School, DRC is a special needs school for pupils with complex needs. The 17 pupils in Year 6 are identified with SEN across all four categories of need. The national requirements defined by the DfE are not adapted to the context of this school. Swimming is on the timetable for all year 6 pupils, and we recognise the progress and developments each pupil in year 6 has made towards strengthened confidence within a swimming pool.
Total Number of Pupils in Year 6: | 17 |
% of pupils who can swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres: | 0% |
% of pupils who use a range of strokes effectively: | 0% |
% of pupils who perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations: | 0% |
Impact Evaluation
The impact evaluation report was confirmed through Governor's Provision and Wellbeing Committee, Local Authority Standards Assessment, and Challenge Partners Quality Assurance Review. Case studies have supplemented this impact report.
2020-2021 Department for Education PE Sports Premium
The school received Department for Education PE and Sports Grant Funding in the amount of £17,110 for the 2020-2021 academic year. Physical Development and Physical Education are fundamental parts of our curriculum offer.
We have utilised the funding to contribute to four specific areas:
- Extending sporting opportunities through festivals and competition including the London Youth games
- Specialist coaching related to our complexity of need
- Staff development and training
The use of the funding in line with DfE Guidelines, and impact of this funding, is monitored through the Pupil Progress and Provision Governing Body Committee.
Pupils Year 1 – 6 | 111 | £16,000 | £10 | £17,110 |
Swimming Proficiency
Evidence of Impact in End of Year data analysis. This is moderated data which will be externally evaluated by Camden Local Authority Standards Meeting and Governor Provision and Wellbeing Committee.
Swiss Cottage School, DRC is a special needs school for pupils with complex needs. The 19 pupils in Year 6 are identified with SEN across all four categories of need. The national requirements defined by the DfE are not adapted to the context of this school. Swimming is on the timetable for all year 6 pupils, and we recognise the progress and developments each pupil in year 6 has made towards strengthened confidence within a swimming pool.
Total Number of Pupils in Year 6: | 19 |
% of pupils who can swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres: | 0% |
% of pupils who use a range of strokes effectively: | 0% |
% of pupils who perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations: | 0% |
Impact Evaluation
The impact evaluation report was confirmed through Governor's Provision and Wellbeing Committee, Local Authority Standards Assessment, and Challenge Partners Quality Assurance Review. Case studies have supplemented this impact report.