Pupil Premium 2024/25


At Swiss Cottage School, Development and Research Centre, our pupils have multi-layered and co-occurring special educational needs with 45% qualifying for Free School Meals. We recognise that socio-economic disadvantage can serve as an additional barrier across a range of areas prioritised for our pupils.  

  • Health and emotional wellbeing   
  • Sensory regulation 
  • Social opportunities and community access  


At Swiss Cottage School we intend for all pupils, regardless of their backgrounds and the challenges they face, to make good progress and achieve their full potential. At the heart of our approach is high-quality teaching focussed on identified areas of need, targeted support based on robust assessment of need and provision, and supporting the pupils to access a broad and balanced curriculum.  
Pupil premium is delivered in a three-tier approach, in line with EEF recommendations.  

  • support high-quality teaching through targeted CPD to improve pupil outcomes and increase retention of skilled practitioners 
  • provide universal and targeted specialist input, including small group and one to one support 
  • tackle contextual barriers faced by pupils and families, supporting with welfare, attendance, behaviour and social and emotional wellbeing to improve quality of life outcomes  

Our pupil premium strategy also includes our use of the National Tutoring Programme (NTP) funding for pupils whose contexts and development has been worst affected by Covid-19. 

Assessment and Progress 

Learning and development needs are identified with input from families, multidisciplinary networks and teaching expertise. It draws on pupils’ emotional welfare and regulation, progress and attainment, health factors and family contexts. Attainment and progress is evaluated using an online learning journal Evidence for Learning for rigorous monitoring and evaluation of provision. 

Pupil Premium 2023/24


The Pupil Premium 2023-24 priorities are part of a 3 year strategy to ensure the best support is in place for maximising progress for the most vulnerable learners in addition to our core provision. As a school, we have responsibility to use this funding to ‘narrow the gap’ for this specific cohort of learners. We have utilised the DfE Nov 2021 strategy guidance and this was approved by our Governing Board.  

Our Challenge Partners Peer Review confirmed our monitoring and impact measures for the strategy implementation. Our Ofsted Inspection in March 2023 confirmed our on-going commitment to ensuring all learners are progressing with challenging targets. Both external evaluations confirmed that learners who are eligible for Pupil Premium are not underachieving in comparison with their peers. This is due to our commitment to personalised learning around the holistic needs of the individual.

Which gap are we narrowing?

Swiss Cottage School, Development and Research Centre wants to ensure the gap being narrowed is supporting learners in meeting the aspirational aims identified in the Education Health and Care Plans/Statement for each learner.

The aspirational goals are identified in each learners ‘Personal Learning Intention Map’ and are working towards narrowing gaps in the areas of:

  • Communication and interaction resources 
  • Outdoor learning resources and opportunities to bridge gaps in community access through the pandemic 
  • Whole school targeted literacy offer 
  • Meaningful exposure to learning in the community within the school provision through on-site specialist workshops and residencies 

Monitoring progress:

  1. The termly targets were evaluated each term specifically for the pupil premium cohort. 
  2. Multi-agency fortnightly monitoring ensured early intervention/support for pastoral factors (attendance, health). 
  3. The termly report was interrogated by the Governors Pupil Progress and Wellbeing (PWB) Committee through data analysis and case studies.
  4. The report confirmed pupils qualifying for Pupil Premium funding made expected progress and accessed enrichment programmes to challenge the disadvantage gap.
  5. Through the Finance, Personnel, and Premises Committee the financial regulations were confirmed as met. 
  6. Through External Evaluation and Peer Evaluation (Challenge Partners Quality Assurance Review June 2024) we confirmed our Pupil Premium provision and strategic plan. 

Pupil Premium 2022/23

In 2022-2023 the school was allocated £34,800 for COVID-19 Recovery Premium.

This funding was allocated to interventions for pupils following analysis of pastoral factors through Multi-Agency Team planning and assessment. The interventions are taking place during the Autumn Term 2022, Spring Term 2023, and Summer Term 2023. The impact of these interventions is reported to the Provision and Wellbeing Committee of the Governing Board, and is reflected in case studies for evidence of impact.


The Pupil Premium 2022-23 priorities are part of a new 3 year strategy to ensure the best support is in place for maximising progress for the most vulnerable learners in addition to our core provision. As a school, we have responsibility to use this funding to ‘narrow the gap’ for this specific cohort of learners. We have utilised the DfE Nov 2021 strategy guidance and this was approved by our Governing Board.  

Our Challenge Partners Peer Review confirmed our monitoring and impact measures for the strategy implementation. Our Ofsted Inspection in May 2017 confirmed our on-going commitment to ensuring all learners are progressing with challenging targets. Both external evaluations confirmed that learners who are eligible for Pupil Premium are not underachieving in comparison with their peers. This is due to our commitment to personalised learning around the holistic needs of the individual.

Which gap are we narrowing?

Swiss Cottage School, Development and Research Centre wants to ensure the gap being narrowed is supporting learners in meeting the aspirational aims identified in the Education Health and Care Plans/Statement for each learner.

The aspirational goals are identified in each learners ‘Personal Learning Intention Map’ and are working towards narrowing gaps in the areas of:

  • Communication and interaction resources 
  • Outdoor learning resources and opportunities to bridge gaps in community access through the pandemic 
  • Whole school targeted literacy offer 
  • Meaningful exposure to learning in the community within the school provision through on-site specialist workshops and residencies 

Monitoring progress:

  1. Throughout the term through the Leadership Mentor monitoring & evaluation process
  2. Through the Pupil Progress and Wellbeing (PWB) Committee through data analysis and case studies, included within Terms of Reference.
  3. Through the Finance, Personnel, and Premises Committee on financial regulations and meeting strategic plan.
  4. Through External Evaluation and Peer Evaluation (e.g. Challenge Partners Review)


Total Pupils Eligible

% of class group

Total funding

Pupil Premium Intervention linked to 2 year Strategy

1. Alan Turing




1 - Access to personalised systems of communication through continued AAC investment

2. Anne Frank




3 - Access to resources and materials for outdoor learning, with an impact on emotional regulation

3. Blossom




2 - Enhanced literacy support through the school library and targeted classroom phonics offer

4. Buttercup




1 - Access to personalised systems of communication and literacy through the use of targeted AAC

5. Caterpillar




3 - Access to enhanced outdoor learning and enrichment activities through school lunchtime clubs and targeted aids for sensory exploration and play

6. David Attenborough




2 - Targeted Literacy offer for pupils in the classroom, for language and communication enhancement

7. David Weir




1 - Access to personalised systems of communication through continued AAC investment

8. Dragonfly




3 - Access to enhanced outdoor learning and enrichment activities through school lunchtime clubs and targeted aids for sensory exploration and play

9. Ellie Simmonds




1 - Access to personalised systems of communication through continued AAC investment

10. Elton John




2 - Targeted Literacy offer for pupils in the classroom, for language and communication enhancement

11. Frida Kahlo




1 - Access to personalised systems of communication through continued AAC investment

12. Greta Thunberg




2 - Targeted Literacy offer for pupils in the classroom, for language and communication enhancement

13. Iris




4 - Access to external providers for enhanced learning through multi-sensory experiences

14. Jasmine




2 - Targeted Literacy offer for pupils in the classroom, for language and communication enhancement

15. Ladybird




1 - Access to personalised systems of communication through continued AAC investment

16. Lily




2 - Targeted Literacy offer for pupils in the classroom, for language and communication enhancement

17. Lotus




1 - Access to personalised systems of communication through continued AAC investment

18. Mahatma Gandhi




Broad access to school library, outdoor learning and accessible enrichment resources

19. Malala Yousafzai




2 - Enhanced literacy support through the school library and targeted classroom phonics offer

20. Marcus Rashford




Broad access to school library, outdoor learning and accessible enrichment resources

21. Maya Angelou




3 - Access to resources and materials for outdoor learning, with an impact on emotional regulation

22. Michelle Obama




2 - Targeted Literacy offer for pupils in the classroom, for language and communication enhancement

23. Poppy




1 - Access to personalised systems of communication through continued AAC investment

24. Primrose




2 - Targeted Literacy offer for pupils in the classroom, for language and communication enhancement

25. Rosa Parks




Broad access to school library, outdoor learning and accessible enrichment resources

26. Rose




2 - Targeted Literacy offer for pupils in the classroom, for language and communication enhancement

27. Snowdrop




2- Targeted Literacy offer for pupils in the classroom, for language and communication enhancement

28. Tim Peake




3- Access to resources and materials for outdoor learning, with an impact on emotional regulation

29. Violet




1 - Access to personalised systems of communication through continued AAC investment3- Access to resources and materials for outdoor learning, with an impact on emotional regulation4 – External provider access for enhanced curricular opportunities for multi-sensory and broad learning
TOTAL for AY 22/23: 120/261  46% £149,210  

Pupil Premium 2021/22

In 2021-2022 the school was allocated £34,800 for COVID-19 Recovery Premium.

This funding was allocated to interventions for pupils following analysis of pastoral factors through Multi-Agency Team planning and assessment. The interventions are taking place during the Autumn Term 2021, Spring Term 2022, and Summer Term 2022. The impact of these interventions is reported to the Provision and Wellbeing Committee of the Governing Board, and is reflected in case studies for evidence of impact.


The Pupil Premium 2021-2022 priorities are part of a new 3 year strategy to ensure the best support is in place for maximising progress for the most vulnerable learners in addition to our core provision. As a school, we have responsibility to use this funding to ‘narrow the gap’ for this specific cohort of learners. We have utilised the DfE Nov 2021 strategy guidance and this was approved by our Governing Board.  

Our Challenge Partners Peer Review confirmed our monitoring and impact measures for the 20-21 strategy implementation. Our Ofsted Inspection in May 2017 confirmed our on-going commitment to ensuring all learners are progressing with challenging targets. Both external evaluations confirmed that learners who are eligible for Pupil Premium are not underachieving in comparison with their peers. This is due to our commitment to personalised learning around the holistic needs of the individual.

Which gap are we narrowing?

Swiss Cottage School, Development and Research Centre wants to ensure the gap being narrowed is supporting learners in meeting the aspirational aims identified in the Education Health and Care Plans/Statement for each learner.

The aspirational goals are identified in each learners ‘Personal Learning Intention Map’ and are working towards narrowing gaps in the areas of:

  • Communication and interaction resources 
  • Outdoor learning resources and opportunities to bridge gaps in community access through the pandemic 
  • Whole school targeted literacy offer 
  • Meaningful exposure to learning in the community within the school provision through on-site specialist workshops and residencies 

Monitoring progress:

  1. Throughout the term through the Leadership Mentor monitoring & evaluation process
  2. Through the Pupil Progress and Wellbeing (PWB) Committee through data analysis and case studies, included within Terms of Reference.
  3. Through the Finance, Personnel, and Premises Committee on financial regulations and meeting strategic plan.
  4. Through External Evaluation and Peer Evaluation (e.g. Challenge Partners Review)
  5. All pupils in 2020-21 met their Pupil Premium targets. Transition matrices and case studies pre-covid-19 and post covid-19 lockdown tracked their progress. Provision and Wellbeing Committee have assessed the data analysis and critically analysed case studies to confirm that all pupils met their targets. 


Class Total Pupils Eligible Total Funding  Provision
Alan Turing 2 of 8  (25%) £1,910 ATAAC investment for communication;
Targeted literacy offer;
Outdoor learning equipment as personalised for the group
Anne Frank 3 of 7  (43%) £2,865 Immersive workshops focusing on social engagement, movement and expression; targeted literacy offer; outdoor learning equipment personalised for the group
Blossom 10 of 11  (91%) £13,450 Targeted literacy offer and investment in reading and phonics; outdoor learning equipment for the group; engagement with external providers for enhanced learning opportunities; school enrichment offer to support learner needs
Buttercup 4 of 8 (50%) £5,380 ATAAC investment for communication, outdoor learning equipment as personalised for the group; immersive workshops focusing on cognition and communication; school enrichment offer to support learners’ needs
Caterpillar 3 of 7 (43%) £4,035 Targeted literacy offer and investment in literacy resources; outdoor learning equipment for play and sensory exploration; enhanced school enrichment offer to support development of skills
David Attenborough 6 of 9 (67%) £5,370 Targeted literacy offer and investment in literacy resources; outdoor learning equipment for play and sensory exploration; enhanced school enrichment offer to support development of skills
David Weir 2 of 8 (25%) £2,300 ATAAC investment for communication and cognition with targeted adult support; outdoor learning equipment personalised for coordination and control development
Dragonfly 3 of 7 (43%) £5,035 Targeted literacy support offer; family support offer including through external agencies; outdoor learning equipment personalised for learners needs; school enrichment offer to enhance skill development
Ellie Simmonds 5 of 10 (50%) £4,475 Outdoor learning equipment personalised for learners needs; family support offer; immersive external provider workshops for communication and expression; ATAAC offer to support the development of communication and cognition
Frida Kahlo 5 of 9 (56%) £4,775 Targeted literacy support offer with enhanced adult support; outdoor learning equipment to enhance learning experience; immersive external provider workshops to prompt engagement and promote skill-building in cognition and communication
Greta Thunberg 6 of 10 (60%) £5,730 Immersive workshops with external providers and Swiss collaborative partners for communication and expression; targeted literacy offer with phonics interventions; outdoor learning offer personalised to pupils and their needs; school enrichment offer for skill development and play
Iris 2 of 9 (22%) £2,690 Outdoor learning equipment personalised for learners needs; family support offer; in-class literacy support and resourcing; ATAAC equipment to support communication needs
Jasmine 5 of 8 (63%) £6,725 Targeted literacy support offer; family support offer including through external agencies; outdoor learning equipment personalised for learners needs; school enrichment offer to enhance skill development; ATAAC equipment to support communication and interactions
Ladybird 2 of 8 (25%) £2,690 ATAAC equipment to support and enhance communication and learning; outdoor learning equipment to promote exploration and play; literacy programme to support learners’ cognition needs; family support offer including through external agencies
Lily  4 of  (50%) £5,380 Targeted literacy support offer; family support offer including through external agencies; outdoor learning equipment personalised for learners needs; school enrichment offer to enhance skill development
Lotus 0 of 8 (0%) £0 ATAAC investment for communication and cognition with targeted adult support; outdoor learning equipment personalised for coordination and control development
Mahatma Gandhi 0 of 10 (0%) £0 Immersive workshops with external providers and Swiss collaborative partners for communication and expression; targeted literacy offer and reading resources; outdoor learning offer personalised to pupil voice and interests; school and community enrichment offer for skill development and transitions planning
Malala Yousafzai 7 of 11 (64%) £9,465 Immersive workshops with external providers and Swiss collaborative partners for communication and expression; targeted literacy offer and reading resources; outdoor learning offer personalised to pupil voice and interests; school and community enrichment offer for skill development and transitions planning
Marcus Rashford 0 of 7 (0%) £0 ATAAC investment for ongoing communication and cognition with targeted adult support; outdoor learning equipment personalised for coordination and control development and motor skill consolidation; targeted literacy support for independence; family and community support
Martin Luther King 1 of 9 (11%) £935 Immersive workshops with external providers and Swiss collaborative partners for communication and expression; targeted literacy offer and reading resources; outdoor learning offer personalised to pupil voice and interests; school and community enrichment offer for skill development and transitions planning
Maya Angelou 7 of 8 (88%) £6,685 Collaborative workshops with external providers for engagement, communication and expression; literacy support offer to support independence; ATAAC equipment to support enhanced communication; family and community support resources to enable consistency between home and school; outdoor equipment and enrichment to enhance school learning offer
Michelle Obama 6 of 9 (67%) £6,685 Immersive workshops with external providers and Swiss collaborative partners for communication and expression; targeted literacy offer and reading resources; outdoor learning offer personalised to pupil voice and interests; school and community enrichment offer for skill development
Orchid 8 of 9 (89%) £10,760 Targeted literacy support offer; family support offer including through external agencies; outdoor learning equipment personalised for learners needs; school enrichment offer to enhance skill development; ATAAC equipment to support communication and interactions
Poppy 7 of 8 (88%) £9,415 ATAAC investment for communication and cognition with targeted adult support; outdoor learning equipment personalised for coordination and control development; targeted literacy support to enhance word and symbol recognition; enrichment offer to support control and coordination development
Primrose 4 of 9 (44%) £5,380 Targeted literacy offer and investment in reading and phonics; outdoor learning equipment for the group; engagement with external providers for enhanced learning opportunities; school enrichment offer to support learner needs
Rosa Parks 0 of 12 (0%) £0 Immersive workshops with external providers and Swiss collaborative partners for communication and expression; targeted literacy offer and reading resources; outdoor learning offer personalised to pupil voice and interests; school and community enrichment offer for skill development and transitions planning
Rose 3 of 10 (30%) £4,035 Outdoor learning equipment personalised for learners needs; family support offer; in-class literacy support and resourcing; ATAAC equipment to support communication needs; family support offer where needed
Snowdrop 5 of 8 (63%) £6,725 Targeted literacy support offer; family support offer including through external agencies; outdoor learning equipment personalised for learners needs; school enrichment offer to enhance skill development; ATAAC equipment to support communication and interactions
Tim Peake 2 of 8 (25%) £2,300 Targeted literacy offer and phonics interventions; family support offers; targeted work with external providers; targeted ATAAC support to develop specific skills
Violet 6 of 8 (75%) £8,070 Targeted literacy support offer; family support offer including through external agencies; outdoor learning equipment personalised for learners needs; school enrichment offer to enhance skill development; ATAAC equipment to support communication and interactions
Total for AY 21-22 116 of 261 (44.8%) £143,265  

Pupil Premium 2020/21

In 2020-2021 the school was allocated £61,200 for COVID-19 Catch-Up Grant Funding.

This funding was allocated to interventions for pupils following analysis of pastoral factors through Multi-Agency Team planning and assessment. The interventions took place during the Autumn Term 2020, Spring Term 2021, and Summer Term 2021. The impact of these interventions is reported to the Provision and Wellbeing Committee of the Governing Board, and is reflected in case studies for evidence of impact.


The Pupil Premium 2020-2021 priorities are part of a 2 year strategy to ensure the best support is in place for maximising progress for the most vulnerable learners in addition to our core provision. As a school, we have responsibility to use this funding to ‘narrow the gap’ for this specific cohort of learners.

Our Challenge Partners Peer Review confirmed our monitoring and impact measures. Our Ofsted Inspection in May 2017 confirmed our on-going commitment to ensuring all learners are progressing with challenging targets. Both external evaluations confirmed that learners who are eligible for Pupil Premium are not underachieving in comparison with their peers. This is due to our commitment to personalised learning around the holistic needs of the individual.

Which gap are we narrowing?

Swiss Cottage School, Development and Research Centre wants to ensure the gap being narrowed is supporting learners in meeting the aspirational aims identified in the Education Health and Care Plans/Statement for each learner.

The aspirational goals are identified in each learners ‘Personal Learning Intention Map’ and are working towards narrowing gaps in the areas of:

  • Personal Development and Behaviour
  • Independence Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Movement and Mobility
  • Social Interaction

The Pupil Premium Funding will be used in different ways for different cohorts of learners depending on the individual priorities that have been identified. This is to build on the impact from the previous academic year.

What are we investing in for narrowing this gap?

  • Increased specialist support staff for specific classes with a high % of pupils who qualify for pupil premium funding. This will be targeted to classroom-based interventions, hydrotherapy, rebound therapy, additional visits to the leisure centre and additional community-based learning.
  • Targeted support for parental engagement where the priorities will lead to a narrowing of gap through specific training and focused support.
  • Additional resources and specialist therapy sessions to support the development of communication, cognition, independence and life skills..
  • Work with partnership organisation such as The@rical and RADiate.

Monitoring progress:

  1. Throughout the term through the Leadership Mentor monitoring & evaluation process
  2. Through the Pupil Progress and Wellbeing (PWB) Committee through data analysis and case studies, included within Terms of Reference.
  3. Through the Finance, Personnel, and Premises Committee on financial regulations and meeting strategic plan.
  4. Through External Evaluation and Peer Evaluation (e.g. Challenge Partners Review)
  5. All pupils in 2019-20 met their Pupil Premium targets. Transition matrices and case studies pre-covid-19 and post covid-19 lockdown tracked their progress. Provision and Wellbeing Committee (March 2020 and October 2020) have assessed the data analysis and critically analysed case studies to confirm that all pupils met their targets. 


Class Total Pupils Total funding Pupil premium intervention
Alan Turing  4 out of 8 pupils £3,820 Switch and click on boxes purchased for home – aiding communication and access to home equipment.  Specialist immersive workshops focused on communication, cognition, movement, mobility. 
Anne Frank   4 out of 7 pupils £3,820 The@rical drama initiative with Specialist SEN Theatre Company focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Additional adult support across targeted areas of timetable for personal development, cognition, communication skills focus.
Blossom   6 out of 9 pupils £8,070 RADiate drama initiative with Royal Academy of Drama focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Targeted support through Family Inclusion Team. Targeted communication and emergent literacy with personalised home-school resources including books, and early reading resources.  
Bluebell   5 out of 8 pupils £6,725 RADiate drama initiative with Royal Academy of Drama focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Targeted support through Family Inclusion Team. Targeted communication and emergent literacy with personalised home-school resources.  PECs training for families
Buttercup   3 out of 7 pupils £4,035 Specialist immersive workshops focused on communication, cognition, movement, mobility.  Switch and click on boxes purchased for home – aiding communication and access to home equipment.
Daffodil 2 out of 9 pupils £2,690 RADiate drama initiative with Royal Academy of Drama focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. PECS training for families.
David Attenborough                                                                                                             2 out of 5 pupils £1,910 The@rical drama initiative with Specialist SEN Theatre Company focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Targeted support through Family Inclusion Team.
David Weir   1 out of 7 pupils £955 Switch and click on boxes purchased for home – aiding communication and access to home equipment.  The Musicians Company focused on communication, cognition, movement, mobility. 
Ellie Simmonds   4 out of 9 pupils £3,820 The@rical drama initiative with Specialist SEN Theatre Company focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Additional adult support across targeted areas of timetable for personal development, cognition, communication skills focus  
Frida Kahlo   5 out of 8 pupils £4,775 RADiate drama initiative with Royal Academy of Drama focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Targeted support through Family Inclusion Team. Targeted communication and emergent literacy with personalised home-school resources.  
Greta Thunberg   7 out of 11 pupils £6,685 The@rical drama initiative with Specialist SEN Theatre Company focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Targeted communication and emergent literacy with personalised home-school resources. Residential trip to Arundel.  
Iris   1 out of 9 pupils £1,345   Targeted communication and emergent literacy with personalised home-school.  Technology purchased to support with home learning.
Jasmine   8 out of 9 pupils £10,760 The@rical drama initiative with Specialist SEN Theatre Company focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Additional adult support across targeted areas of timetable for personal development, cognition, communication skills focus.
Lily   8 out of 9 Pupils £10,760 The@rical drama initiative with Specialist SEN Theatre Company focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Targeted communication and emergent literacy with personalised home-school resources, including the use of technology.  PECs training for families.
Lotus   4 out of 8 Pupils £5,380 Specialist immersive workshops focused on communication, cognition, movement, mobility.  Switch and click on boxes purchased for home – aiding communication and access to home equipment.  
Mahatma Gandhi   0 out of 10 Pupils 0
Malala Yousafzai                                                           7 out of 11 Pupils £6,685 The@rical drama initiative with Specialist SEN Theatre Company focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Targeted communication and emergent literacy with personalised home-school resources.  
Marcus Rashford   0 out of 7 Pupils 0
Martin Luther King   0 out of 8 Pupils 0
Maya Angelou   6 out of 8 Pupils £5,730 Additional adult support across targeted areas of timetable for personal development, cognition, communication skills focus. Targeted support through Family Inclusion Team. Specific training provided for families.
Michelle Obama   7 out of 11 Pupils £9,465
(2 LAC learners)
The@rical drama initiative with Specialist SEN Theatre Company focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Targeted communication and emergent literacy with personalised home-school resources.
Orchid   2 out of 9 Pupils £2,690 Additional adult support across targeted areas of timetable for personal development, cognition, communication skills focus. Specialist immersive workshops focused on communication, cognition, movement, mobility.          
Poppy   3 out of 9 Pupils £5,035
(1 LAC learner)
Specialist immersive workshops focused on communication, cognition, movement, mobility. Additional adult support across targeted areas of timetable for personal development, cognition, communication skills focus. Targeted communication and emergent literacy with personalised home-school resources  
Primrose   5 out of 9 Pupils £6,725 RADiate drama initiative with Royal Academy of Drama focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Targeted support through Family Inclusion Team. Targeted communication and emergent literacy with personalised home-school resources including books, and early reading resources.  
Rosa Parks   0 out of 12 Pupils    
Snap Dragon   5 out of 8 Pupils £7,725
(1 LAC learner)
The@rical drama initiative with Specialist SEN Theatre Company focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Targeted communication and emergent literacy with personalised home-school resources.  
Snowdrop   1 out of 8 Pupils £1,345 Switch and click on boxes purchased for home – aiding communication and access to home equipment.  Specialist immersive workshops focused on communication, cognition, movement, mobility. 
Tim Peake   4 out of 9 Pupils £3,820 The@rical drama initiative with Specialist SEN Theatre Company focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Additional adult support across targeted areas of timetable for personal development, cognition, communication skills focus. Targeted support through Family Inclusion Team.    
Tulip   6 out of 9 Pupils £8,070 Specialist immersive workshops focused on communication, cognition, movement, mobility. Additional adult support across targeted areas of timetable for personal development, cognition, communication skills focus. Targeted communication and emergent literacy with personalised home-school resources
Violet   6 out of 8 Pupils £7,680 RADiate drama initiative with Royal Academy of Drama focused on communication skills, personal development, and behaviour. Targeted support through Family Inclusion Team. Targeted communication and emergent literacy with personalised home-school resources.  
Total   £140,520    

Other Grants

Academic Year 2022-23

School-led Funding - £50,760

Recovery Premium – £88,456

This funding was allocated to interventions for pupils following analysis of pastoral factors through Multi-Agency Team planning and assessment. The interventions are taking place during the Autumn Term 2022, Spring Term 2023, and Summer Term 2023. The impact of these interventions is reported to the Provision and Wellbeing Committee of the Governing Board, and is reflected in case studies for evidence of impact.

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