Pupil Premium 2024/25


At Swiss Cottage School, Development and Research Centre, our pupils have multi-layered and co-occurring special educational needs with 45% qualifying for Free School Meals. We recognise that socio-economic disadvantage can serve as an additional barrier across a range of areas prioritised for our pupils.  

  • Health and emotional wellbeing   
  • Sensory regulation 
  • Social opportunities and community access  


At Swiss Cottage School we intend for all pupils, regardless of their backgrounds and the challenges they face, to make good progress and achieve their full potential. At the heart of our approach is high-quality teaching focussed on identified areas of need, targeted support based on robust assessment of need and provision, and supporting the pupils to access a broad and balanced curriculum.  
Pupil premium is delivered in a three-tier approach, in line with EEF recommendations.  

  • support high-quality teaching through targeted CPD to improve pupil outcomes and increase retention of skilled practitioners 
  • provide universal and targeted specialist input, including small group and one to one support 
  • tackle contextual barriers faced by pupils and families, supporting with welfare, attendance, behaviour and social and emotional wellbeing to improve quality of life outcomes  

Our pupil premium strategy also includes our use of the National Tutoring Programme (NTP) funding for pupils whose contexts and development has been worst affected by Covid-19. 

Assessment and Progress 

Learning and development needs are identified with input from families, multidisciplinary networks and teaching expertise. It draws on pupils’ emotional welfare and regulation, progress and attainment, health factors and family contexts. Attainment and progress is evaluated using an online learning journal Evidence for Learning for rigorous monitoring and evaluation of provision. 

Pupil Premium 2023/24


The Pupil Premium 2023-24 priorities are part of a 3 year strategy to ensure the best support is in place for maximising progress for the most vulnerable learners in addition to our core provision. As a school, we have responsibility to use this funding to ‘narrow the gap’ for this specific cohort of learners. We have utilised the DfE Nov 2021 strategy guidance and this was approved by our Governing Board.  

Our Challenge Partners Peer Review confirmed our monitoring and impact measures for the strategy implementation. Our Ofsted Inspection in March 2023 confirmed our on-going commitment to ensuring all learners are progressing with challenging targets. Both external evaluations confirmed that learners who are eligible for Pupil Premium are not underachieving in comparison with their peers. This is due to our commitment to personalised learning around the holistic needs of the individual.

Which gap are we narrowing?

Swiss Cottage School, Development and Research Centre wants to ensure the gap being narrowed is supporting learners in meeting the aspirational aims identified in the Education Health and Care Plans/Statement for each learner.

The aspirational goals are identified in each learners ‘Personal Learning Intention Map’ and are working towards narrowing gaps in the areas of:

  • Communication and interaction resources 
  • Outdoor learning resources and opportunities to bridge gaps in community access through the pandemic 
  • Whole school targeted literacy offer 
  • Meaningful exposure to learning in the community within the school provision through on-site specialist workshops and residencies 

Monitoring progress:

  1. The termly targets were evaluated each term specifically for the pupil premium cohort. 
  2. Multi-agency fortnightly monitoring ensured early intervention/support for pastoral factors (attendance, health). 
  3. The termly report was interrogated by the Governors Pupil Progress and Wellbeing (PWB) Committee through data analysis and case studies.
  4. The report confirmed pupils qualifying for Pupil Premium funding made expected progress and accessed enrichment programmes to challenge the disadvantage gap.
  5. Through the Finance, Personnel, and Premises Committee the financial regulations were confirmed as met. 
  6. Through External Evaluation and Peer Evaluation (Challenge Partners Quality Assurance Review June 2024) we confirmed our Pupil Premium provision and strategic plan. 

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