Institute of Education (IOE) Top of the UK university league table for education research.
Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants (MITA) Providing school improvement and training services based on our internationally-recognised research and guidance.
Evidence for Learning Supporting inquiry-based approach to education and provision.
T4 Education A global organisation committed to providing engaging tools, initiatives, and events for teachers to improve education. Please join us.
Books Beyond Words Wordless picture stories covering topics including physical and mental health, lifestyle and relationships, abuse and trauma, grief and bereavement, employment, and criminal justice.
Youth Sport Trust A children’s charity working to ensure every child enjoys the life-changing benefits that come from play and sport.
Special Olympics Camden A non-profit organisation and the largest provider of year-round sports coaching and athletic competition in summer and winter sports for children and adults of ALL abilities with intellectual disabilities.
LearningShared A responsive programme of CPLD, designed for both specialist and mainstream colleagues and will be led and delivered by significant and nationally recognised practitioners. https://www.evidenceforlearning.net/learningshared/
Erasmus+ Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. To find out more about our latest project: 'Pathways to Inclusive Pedagogy', click here. |
Central London Teaching School Hub Central London Teaching School Hub is run by Paddington Academy. As part of United Learning, their aim is to bring out ‘the best in everyone’ and we continuously strive to ensure that students and staff have every opportunity to do so.
Worshipful Company of Musicians As the only City of London Livery Company dedicated to the performing arts, the Worshipful Company of Musicians nurture talent and share music through our concerts, outreach, awards and young artists’ programme.