2nd September 2024
Dear Families,
A very warm welcome as we start the new academic year. We are looking forward to welcoming your child to school on Wednesday, 4th September for the first day of the new academic year. This letter provides you with useful information for the 2024-2025 school year including our school Vision, Values, Key Information, Home-School Agreement, and ‘Who Does What’.
The Swiss Cottage School ‘Vision’ |
The positive school culture and ethos are supported by our ‘School Values’ |
We have 30 classes across our Lower and Upper School taught within our 5 Curriculum Pathways.
A teaching and learning pack will be sent home with next week’s newsletter to share information about your child’s class, timetable and learning targets.
Key Information
School Day |
School day starts at 9:30am. School day finishes at 3:30pm. |
Pupil Absence |
Call the school by 9:30am on 0207 681 8080 select option 2. |
Optional Uniform |
An optional uniform is available for pupils |
Contact Details |
Please ensure the school has your current: Phone numbers, emergency contact numbers, email address, house address. You can provide this by emailing admin@swisscottage.camden.sch.uk |
Medical Information |
Please ensure the school has updated information on medicine and allergies. |
Website |
General information on the school including term dates for this year: |
Weekly Newsletter |
Provides specific updates. At the start of each half term you receive key dates and what to expect from class teams. |
Transport Information |
If your child receives Local Authority Transport – this information is provided by the LA Transport Team. We do not receive transport information. |
Communication between School and Home 2024-2025
Type |
Types of communication |
Home-School communication book |
The home-school communication book will be provided to all families on the first day of school. It is completed daily by the teaching team. It is the main mode of communication with families. |
Phone call
Reception is open from 8:30-4:30pm daily. Families can call the school office on 0207 681 8080. The system has a voicemail function. Register your child’s absence by 9:30am choosing option 2. |
Start of School Year Phone Call |
Teachers will call every family in their class across the first two weeks of the school year to discuss the transition process for your child. |
Email communication |
Parents/carers can send emails to the school using admin@swisscottage.camden.sch.uk |
Evidence for Learning (Every 2 Weeks) |
This is the online platform for teachers to share pupil’s learning and formative assessment with parents/carers. Teachers upload regularly and parent/carers receive the download every two weeks. Dates are provided at the start of each term. |
Meetings |
There is an optional progress meeting every term with the class teacher that families can join, and one Annual Review meeting for the EHCP. |
Verbal Updates at drop-off / pick-up |
Families can speak briefly with teaching teams at drop off / pick up. |
Reports and Assessments |
Families receive a class timetable, summary of targets on the Personalised Learning Intention Map (PLIM), and useful information every term. |
Class visits |
There are two family learning sessions over the year when families are invited to to join a learning session. Additional invitations (for example, to view an exhibition or join a school trip) will be specific to classes. |
Whole school events |
Weekly coffee mornings shares school information and themed workshops with our Family Inclusion Team. |
Newsletter, website and text |
The website has useful information such as term dates, curriculum overview, and news items. |
Text |
The school uses a protected text system for school updates through our managed information system. |
Home-School Agreement
As a school
We will do our best to:
- Ensure our school values and ethos are positive and supportive.
- Support your child’s wellbeing and safety by providing a safe, supportive and caring learning environment.
- Help and encourage your child to reach their full potential.
- Monitor and communicate with parents/carers regularly on your child’s wellbeing and progress through
- Home/school communication books that are filled in daily by staff and should be updated by families.
- Regular Evidence for Learning uploads with photos, videos and learning commentary.
- There are termly Progress Review meetings as well as the additional Annual Review meeting. We also facilitate multi-agency meetings for families.
- Respond to communications from parents/carers in a timely manner within school working hours. Reception is open from 8:30-4:30pm. Teachers are teaching during the school day.
- Address any concerns with parents/carers related to the school, and refer you to the relevant staff member or agency other service providers.
- Offer opportunities for parents/carers through our programme of coffee mornings, workshops, Family Learning Weeks, and annual events.
As the Parent/Carer:
I will do my best to:
- Work in partnership with the school teams to get the best outcomes for my child.
- Treat all members of the school community with care and respect.
- Engage in parent meetings and work together with the school in order to achieve the best outcomes for my child.
- Read all communications sent home by the school and respond where necessary.
- Communicate to the school any concerns that I have about my child that may affect their behaviour in school or ability to learn.
- Make sure communication with the school is respectful. I recognise that abuse against staff or other parents/carers will not be tolerated.
- Follow the school’s policies around attendance- notify the school if my child will be absent and request approval for holidays during term time.
Who Does What? Overview of Service Providers 2024-2025
Swiss Cottage School, Development and Research Centre is a community-maintained special school in the London Borough of Camden. We appreciate that you are liaising with a range of Local Authority teams for your child. The school is responsible for the education area in orange. Other organisations responsible for services supporting your child and family are also listed below.
We look forward to welcoming your child back to school on 4th September 2024! Please let us know if there is anything we can do to support your child’s transition to the new academic year.
Yours Sincerely,
Swiss Cottage School