Dear Families,
It was wonderful to feel the energy across this week with the start of the new school year. The first two weeks of the academic year focus on supporting the pupils with the transition to the new school routines, class timetable, and the staff teams. Thank you for working with us to support the transition of your child into the new academic year. This week’s newsletter is sharing key information:
Half Term Dates:
Week 1: 2nd to 6th September: Transition into school for pupils 4th, 5th, 6th September. Your child’s bag has their home-school communication book which is used daily. The start of year letter sent on 2nd September is also located here: https://swisscottage.camden.sch.uk/news/2024-09-02-scs-news-update-02-09-2024
Week 2: 9th – 13th September: Transition week for pupils. You will receive a phone call update from the class teacher. Your child’s Evidence for Learning Journal will have an upload of the classroom environments and class timetable. You will receive the information we have for your child (Contact Information, GP, etc). Please update and return to school in your child’s bag.
Week 3: 16th – 20th September:
17th September we are holding two optional Information Sessions on the School Provision and Curriculum. 10:30-11:15am at school and virtual session 5:00-5:45pm.
18th September you will receive important information in your child’s bag: Class Timetable, Curriculum Overview, and Autumn Term targets (Personal Learning Intention Map). You will also receive the date and time of your child’s ‘Meet the Teacher’ Coffee Morning which takes place during Week 4.
‘Evidence for Learning’ journal upload into the family portal by the end of the week.
Week 4: 23rd – 27th September: ‘Meet the Teacher’ Coffee Mornings with Evidence for Learning support available.
25th September: Year 10, 11, 12, 13 Parent/Carer Information Session on Preparation for Adulthood & Transitions at school with Careers Advisor at 10-11am.
Week 5: 30th September – 4th October: Tuesday 1st October 10-11am Parent/Carer Coffee Morning.
‘Evidence for Learning’ journal upload into the family portal.
Week 6: 7th – 11th October: Tuesday 8th October 10-11am Parent/Carer Coffee Morning with Evidence for Learning support available. You will receive the date/time for your ‘Family Learning Week’ session with the class.
Week 7: 14th – 18th October: Tuesday 15th October 10-11am Parent/Carer Coffee Morning.
‘Evidence for Learning’ journal upload into the family portal.
Week 8: 21st – 25th October: Staff Training Day 21st October No School.
22nd – 24th October: ‘Family Learning Week’ sessions.
Information on School Day including Attendance and Arrival/Departure
You may have seen school attendance and fines have featured across the news this week and there are new national requirements from the Department for Education. Along with managing transport arrangements at pick up and drop off times, as a school we must work to ensure we are following the legal requirements around school attendance times.
Full-Time Education and Start/End of Day Times
- As a school we must ensure all pupils receive a full-time education. We cannot provide part-time education because of the legal requirements of the Education, Health, and Care Plans.
- The school day begins at 9:30am and ends at 3:30pm and full-time attendance is expected.
- We have a flexible timetable in place to support the smooth arrival and departure process for pupils. This means we make our start of day 9:15-9:30am and end of day 3:15-3:30pm.
- Adherence to these routines supports the safety and wellbeing of our pupils, ensuring a welcoming environment and facilitating independence and life skills.
Dropping Off Your Child 9:15-9:30am
We remind families that following the start and end of day timings supports the school to maximise learning time. In the morning, staff are preparing planning, resources, environments. Staff are not able to collect pupils until 9:15am.
Families that want to arrive 9:00-9:15am with your child have the option to wait outside of reception.
Lateness & Unauthorised Absence
We have to register the attendance of every pupil at 9:45am for morning registration, and across the afternoon to confirm full time education. This has an Authorised and Unauthorised Code.
- If your child arrives after 9:45am they are marked as Late unless we were informed of an appointment which is then listed as Authorised.
- If your child is picked up between 12:00 to 3:15pm, they are registered as Unauthorised for the afternoon registration unless we were informed of an appointment which is then listed as Authorised.
- Please make sure you register your child’s absence by calling 02076818080 and selecting option 2.
Collecting Your Child 3.15 – 3.30pm
In the afternoon, pupils are learning until 3.15pm and staff are not able to leave the lessons until 3:15 to bring pupils downstairs.
The school is not authorised to allow pick up of pupils earlier than 3:15pm unless there is an occasional reason for this such as a medical appointment or documented medical need. To authorise those instances, please email with the date/time/reason to admin@swisscottage.camden.sch.uk.
Transport (Bus & Taxi) Arrangements
11 different Local Authorities provide transport for 164 of our 260 pupils. 96 pupils are brought to school and collected by their families and carers.
• There are specific entry times for the 26 transport vehicles between 9:15-9:30 and 3:15-3:30.
• The vehicle driveway is needed across the school day for emergency procedures and emergency vehicles. The main school vehicle gate opens at 9:15am and not before.
• We have organised with Camden Council for no parking restrictions from 9:00-9:45 and 3:00-3:45 on Avenue Road outside of the school for our families. Use your Blue Badge. If you do not have a Blue Badge, please come to reception so that we can register your vehicle.
• Camden Local Authority Transport joined the arrival/departure process yesterday and have directed transport buses not to park on Avenue Road.
Term Dates: The school term dates are located on the school website: https://swisscottage.camden.sch.uk/parents/termdates
21st October: Training day for staff – no school for pupils
25th October: Last day of the half term
28th October – 1st November: Half term break – no school for pupils
School Contact Information:
Phone: 02076818080 and voicemail is checked daily.
Email: admin@swisscottage.camden.sch.uk or FIT@swisscottage.camden.sch.uk for the Family Inclusion Team.
Thank you for your support as we launch this exciting new academic year. Please let us know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful weekend.
Yours Sincerely,
Swiss Cottage School
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